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2023-08-10 14:36:13 277


摘要: 日前,美国费城儿童医院相关研究机构的科研人员发现,人体癌症的发生多数是因为免疫系统无法完成其相关功能,而有一种增强人体免疫系统的方法能有效控制癌症的发生,在人体自身环境平衡的条件下治疗癌症。相关文章发表在2013年8月18日的《Nature Medicine》上。   日前,美国费城儿童医院相关研究机构的科研人员发现,人体癌症的发生多数是因为免疫系统无法完成其相关功能,而有一种增强人体免疫系统的方法能有效控制癌症的发生,在人体自身环境平衡的条件下治疗癌症。相关文章发表在2013年8月18日的《Nature Medicine》上。   新治疗方法可以保持微妙平衡,使得人体免疫系统在攻击癌细胞同时却不去攻击人体自身健康器官和组织。动物实验结果已经显示这种通过调整免疫系统的方法可能会最终导致癌症新疗法的推出。   科学家解释道,诸如1型糖尿病和多发性硬化症等疾病都是因为人体免疫系统失调并攻击自身器官和组织而造成的。   治癌新疗法 一段时间以来,很多医学界人士都热衷于对人体免疫系统中“调节T细胞”(Regulatory T cell)的研究。调节T细胞是一群具有负调节机体免疫反应的淋巴细胞,通常起着维持自身耐受和避免免疫反应过度损伤机体的重要作用,但也参与肿瘤细胞逃避机体免疫监视和慢性感染。   研究人员表示,他们的新疗法就是通过打断调节t细胞的正常功能,引导它们攻击癌细胞。结果显示,受到调控的调节T细胞至少有效地限制了肺癌肿瘤的生长和扩张。   英国癌症研究协会的专家表示,对于世界各地的医学界人士来说,利用人体自身免疫系统抗癌是一个充满希望的研究领域。最新研究成果是我们在这一领域向新疗法迈进的又一步。 不过,研究仍然处于初级阶段,研究人员还不知道疗法是否对人体完全安全有效。 


Inhibition of p300 impairs Foxp3+ T regulatory cell function and promotes antitumor immunity   Yujie Liu, LIQing Wang, Jarrod Predina, Rongxiang Han, Ulf H Beier, Liang-Chuan S Wang,Veena Kapoor, Tricia R Bhatti, Tatiana Akimova, Sunil Singhal, Paul K Brindle, Philip A Cole,Steven M Albelda & Wayne W Hancock.   Forkhead box P3 (Foxp3)+ T regulatory (Treg) cells maintain immune homeostasis and limit autoimmunity but can also curtail host immune responses to various types of tumors. Foxp3+Treg cells are therefore considered promising targets to enhance antitumor immunity, and approaches for their therapeutic modulation are being developed. However, although studies showing that experimentally depleting Foxp3+ Treg cells can enhance antitumor responses provide proof of principle, these studies lack clear translational potential and have various shortcomings. Histone/protein acetyltransferases (HATs) promote chromatin accessibility, gene transcription and the function of multiple transcription factors and nonhistone proteins3, 4. We now report that conditional deletion or pharmacologic inhibition of one HAT, p300 (also known as Ep300 or KAT3B), in Foxp3+ Treg cells increased T cell receptor–induced apoptosis in Treg cells, impaired Treg cell suppressive function and peripheral Treg cell induction, and limited tumor growth in immunocompetent but not in immunodeficient mice. Our data thereby demonstrate that p300 is important for Foxp3+ Treg cell function and homeostasis in vivo and in vitro, and identify mechanisms by which appropriate small-molecule inhibitors can diminish Treg cell function without overtly impairing T effector cell responses or inducing autoimmunity. Collectively, these data suggest a new approach for cancer immunotherapy.